by macedon | Feb 22, 2022 | News
матуранти 2021 И оваа година, несреќата наречена Ковид 19, го зафати светот глобално и сите скоро половина година бевме оневозможени за нормален живот и настава. Сепак Македонскиот просветно училишен одбор за НЈВ ги одржа сите свои активности во 2021 година. Некои...
by macedon | Feb 5, 2020 | News
44 YEARS Macedonian Language Studies in NSW Macedonian School Council of NSW is a non-political, non-denominational and non-profit organisation that aims to: – promote the Macedonian language in primary, high school and tertiary institutions; – organise...
by macedon | Jul 11, 2018 | News
40 YEARS Macedonian Language Studies in NSW Children can learn language, learn through language and learn about language as they gather knowledge, develop the capacity to think, reason and create and broaden their social and personal competencies. Bilingualism creates...
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