Welcome to the Macedonian School Council of NSW

the nest of teaching and learning Macedonian language and culture

Quick Info

Email & PO Box

Email: macedonianschoolcouncilofnsw@gmail.com Postal Address: PO BOX 164 Rockdale NSW 2216

President: Zaklina Mihajlova – 0412 456 225 Vice President: Slavica Ristevska – 0400 805 090 Secretary: Blagoja Josifovski – 0401 671 331 Public Officer: Vesna Trajkovska – 0424 147 713

Registration and Enrollment

Enrolments for all the ethnic Macedonian schools are open throughout the school year. A new student can start attending the school at any time of the year, although it is highly recommended that they start very early in Term 1. An earlier start is not only beneficial to the students, but it will also make them eligible to receive an “Acknowledgement of Participation Certificate” by the NSW Department of Education and Training. Enrollments can be done by contacting the Member of the School Committee and/or visiting the school of your choice.

Events Calendar 2022

1 February – Start of the School Year
March – Speak Macedonian in March
28 April – NSW Federation of Community Languages Conference – Sydney University
21 May – Bunnings Fundraising Barbeque
28 May – Academy “ Kiril i Metodij”
19 – 20 July – MLAT Conference Sydney University
4 August – Poem Recital Competition
6 October – NSW Federation of Community Languages Annual Dinner –
9, 10, 11 November – 40 years MSC
9 November – Graduation Evening
10 November – Teachers Professional Learning
11 November – 40 years Macedonian School Council Exhibition
1 December – End of Year Concert

Enrollments for 2022

Enrolments for all the ethnic Macedonian schools are open throughout the school year. A new student can start attending the school at any time of the year, although it is highly recommended that they start very early in Term 1.

Why learn macedonian?

Children can learn language, learn through language and learn about language as they gather knowledge, develop the capacity to think, reason and create and broaden their social and personal competencies. Bilingualism creates flexible and adaptable individuals who…

Who are we and what is our mission?

Established 42 years ago, the Macedonian School Council of NSW is a non-political, non-denominational, non-profit organisation which aims to:

  • Promote the Macedonian language in Primary, High School and Tertiary institutions
  • Organise co-ordination between the Macedonian Ethnic Schools in NSW to ensure a high standard in the teaching of Macedonian
  • Assist in the organisation of materials required for teaching Macedonian and to encourage exchange of information and materials between all teachers
  • Raise money to support the teaching of Macedonian and related cultural activities
  • Encourage Macedonian cultural activities in the Australian community and to work with other organisations for the purpose of organizing various cultural and artistic activities
  • Encourage co-operation between Macedonian educational institutions
There are various annual activities organised by the Macedonian School Council of NSW, in co-operation with all ethnic and primary schools in NSW where the Macedonian language program is taught. These include: an Academy in honour of Sts. Kiril and Metodij, recognising students’ and teachers’ achievements, effort, dedication and contribution towards studying Macedonian; a Recital competition, where students from all ethnic and primary school recite poems entirely in Macedonian as well as an End of Year Concert, featuring song and drama performances by all Macedonian language students.

school Calendar 2020

Term 1

Monday, 31 January 2022Friday, 8 April 2022

School Holidays

Saturday, 9 April 2022Monday, 25 April 2022

term 2

Tuesday, 26 April 2022Friday, 1 July 2022

School Holidays

Saturday, 2 July 2022Sunday, 17 July 2022

term 3

Monday, 18 July 2022Friday, 23 September 2022

School Holidays

Saturday, 24 September 2022Sunday, 9 October 2022

term 4

Monday, 10 October 2022Tuesday, 20 December 2022

School Holidays

Wednesday, 21 December 2022Sunday, 29 January 2023


Years Established

9 + 6 =

И оваа година, несреќата наречена Ковид 19, го зафати светот глобално и сите скоро половина година бевме оневозможени за нормален живот и настава. Сепак Македонскиот просветно училишен одбор за НЈВ ги одржа сите свои активности во 2021 година. Некои преку интернет,...

42 YEARS Macedonian Language Studies in NSW

44 YEARS Macedonian Language Studies in NSWMacedonian School Council of NSW is a non-political, non-denominational and non-profit organisation that aims to: - promote the Macedonian language in primary, high school and tertiary institutions; - organise coordination...

Why learn Macedonian?

Children can learn language, learn through language and learn about language as they gather knowledge, develop the capacity to think, reason and create and broaden their social and personal competencies. Bilingualism creates flexible and adaptable individuals who...